Winning Clash Royale
These pages will share everything you need to be a top Clash Royale
player quickly. The guide covers everything from getting started as a
new player to advanced help for top ladder players. It covers areas
from how to get cards leveled up, how to build a good main deck, why
you should have multiple decks, how to build clan wars decks, how to
pick a good clan, how to win clan wars, how to move up ladder, how to
get card mastery, and the best things to do with limited time to
improve. If you follow this advice, you should be able to reach 5k
trophies in 3 months without spending money or in less than 1 month
spending under $10. Getting to 9k trophies requires more than just
skill, but the right mindset and the ability to understand how the game
works. We share helpful information about this also and reading these
suggestions here should help you almost no matter who you are.
- How to Get 5,000 Trophies at Clash Royale
- a guide to getting started and getting to 5k trophies quickly
- Best Strategy for Leveling up Cards
- How to get cards leveled up quickly
- Which cards to focus on leveling up first
- Best way to use wild cards and card trading
- Card Mastery
- why it is so important
- how much time to spend on it
- how to do it most efficently
- Clans
- Picking the right clan
- Is a clan right for you
- benefits of joining a clan
- how to get promoted
- When to leave your clan
- Winning Games
- gameplay tips
- strategies for winning
- defense
- offense
- getting an elixir advantage
- How to win impossible games
- Ladder
- how ladder works
- how to move up in ladder
- best times to play ladder
- tips
- How to increase your skill level
- how to learn new strategies
- learning new skills
- how to beat hands you keep losing against
- best ways to learn stuff
- tips